Not just a team, a family
Linn Willow Creek Dairy might not be a generational Holtmeier family business, but the operation has a family feel. Without his 33 employees, Lee says, there is no business.
When Lee first took on his new role, he relied on his employees’ skills and knowledge while he learned how to run the dairy.
With 24 years of experience under his belt now, Lee has found that the key to success is the same as when he first started. His employees matter most. With several employees working on the dairy since its founding, it’s safe to say that something is being done right.
“To me, employees run any business,” Lee says. “Without their constant dedication and passion for what they do, this dairy would not be where it’s at. For all the good my employees do, it’s just as important to reward them for their efforts.”
An avid football fan, Lee says his role at Linn Willow Creek Dairy mirrors that of a football coach: recognize talent, extract that talent and develop it to its fullest. For example, Lee and the team worked together to form their own maintenance crew. Instead of outsourcing repairs, they better used current employees with maintenance skills. They also constructed a building to repair and maintain equipment on-site.
Lee’s two daughters, Erin and Lauren, and his wife, Stephanie, know their way around the farm and could point out the commodity shed or the parlor, but they weren't raised consistently helping in the day-to-day operations — however, they still contributed to what makes the team feel like family.
When the girls were little, Lee would bring them to the dairy, letting them help bottle feed calves. As they grew older, they would then take shifts milking the cows. His daughter Erin shares Lee’s passion for cows and owns her own herd of registered Angus cows.
Lauren, inspired by her father’s passion for dairy, later interned in the communications department with Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), their milk marketing cooperative. During the summer internship, she learned more about the dairy industry and further developed her journalism skills.